International scientific cooperation and academic mobility

The profile orientation of the Department is related to the problems of legal protection of natural resources and the environment in general. The coordination of actions of various state and non-state institutions, as well as interstate cooperation is of special importance for their solution, as these problems are not limited to the borders of the state and their effective solution requires the efforts of all.

Membership in the Academy of Environmental Law of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN Academy of Environmental Law)

An important impetus for international cooperation and participation in international projects and programs was admission of the Educational and Scientific Law Institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University to membership in the Academy of Environmental Law of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN Academy of Environmental Law)  on October, 2010.

The members of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law from the Departament are Professor Nadiia Kobetska, Associate Professor Zoryana Yaremak, Associate Professor Lesia Danyliuk.

Membership in the Academy allows lecturers to share the results of their research with scientists around the world, share and improve methods of teaching environmental law, participate in joint research and initiatives aimed at solving the most global environmental problems through law.

Particularly active work in this direction was conducted by Associate Professor Svitlana Romanko, who was a member of the Board of the Academy.

Associate Professor Svitlana Romanko constantly participated in the work of the International Colloquiums of the Academy with the publication of materials.

2011, Mpekweni (Republic of South Africa)

2012, Baltimore (USA)

2014, Tarragona (Spain)

2015, Jakarta (Indonesia)

2016, Oslo (Norway)

Today an active work in this way continues Associate Professor Lesia Danyliuk, who always provides the monitoring of the international educational, scientific and practical projects with aim to participate in them lecturers of the Department and students of the Institute.

On June 1, 2021 Lecturer Lesia Danyliuk took part in International Colloquium of the Academy «The future of Environmental Law: Ambition and Reality» (online) Groningen (Netherlands) and presented the topic «The Municipal Waste Management in Ukraine in the Context of European Integration: Main Problems and Basic Ways to Solve Them».


Participation in exchange programs, studies and internships abroad

Lecturers of the department were participants in the international exchange program «Open World», organized by the US Embassy in Ukraine with the assistance and financial support of the US Congress. The main goal of the Open World program is to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between Ukraine and the United States by providing opportunities for Ukrainian leaders in various fields to meet with their American counterparts and share experiences and ideas on the most important issues for both sides.

Professor Nadiia Kobetska was in the United States under the program «Open World» as part of a delegation of Ukrainian lawyers from 14 to 24 September, 2011 in Chicago.

The contacts established during the meeting facilitated the establishment of theEducational and Scientific Law Institute cooperation with educational and other US institutions on various activities, in particular, launched a program for the exchange of scientific products with the Library of Congress in Washington.

Associate Professor Svitlana Romanko became a participant in the same program in the direction of «Rule of Law» from 18 to 29 September, 2013.

As a result of visits to US government agencies, law firms and educational institutions, knowledge of the US legal system was formed, business relations were established with the administration of Sunny Law School of the State University of New York (Buffalo, New York), in particular with a professor of environmental law. Erol Medinger University and Rochester College, New York. There was also an opportunity to visit and learn about the work of the state police department and the court for monitoring the implementation of parole in Rochester (New York), as well as the work of a public organization that unites practicing lawyers.

Associate Professor Svitlana Romanko from 12 to 16 November, 2012 and Professor Nadiia Kobetska from 24 to 28 July, 2013 as part of the delegation from Ukraine participated in a special course on law enforcement and criminal prosecution of crimes against the environment in Budapest (Hungary) on the basis of the International Law Academy (ILEA) for full financial and organizational support from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency), the US Department of Justice, the US Department of State, and the US Embassy in Ukraine. Representatives of other countries also took part in the course: Georgia and Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria. During the course, participants received in-depth information on ways to address issues arising from the criminal prosecution of crimes against the environment, the available tools and instruments for the effective conduct of such cases, shared experiences of their countries.

Professor Nadiia Kobetska and Associate Professor Svitlana Romanko participated in the training course «Illegal logging and forestry crimes», which took place with the full organizational and financial support of the US Embassy in Ukraine in the period from September 28 to October 2, 2015 at the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA ) in Budapest (Hungary). As a result of the course, business relations were established with the Regional Environmental Center and the International Law Enforcement Academy, new areas of cooperation with both the above-mentioned international institutions and with the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine were outlined.

During January–June 2016, Assistant of the Department Lesia Danyliuk was a student of the online course on international environmental law, developed by lawyers and ecologists of ICO «Environment-People-Law». The program of the course included eight modules, which provided for the study on a special platform of the most pressing environmental issues in a transnational context.

The result of the successful completion of the course was the invitation of Lesia Danyliuk to participate in the international summer school «International and comparative environmental law», organized by ICO «Environment-People-Law» and the Law Institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Zhdenievo, Volovets district, Zakarpa region, June 4–7, 2016). Well-known lawyers and ecologists from the USA, Great Britain, Moldova and other countries took part in the summer school.


In 2019, Professor Nadiia Kobetska became a laureate of the Ivan Vyhovsky Award and received the right to undergo a research internship at two Polish universities (Jagiellonian University (Krakow) and Rzeszów University (Rzeszów)). 

From October 1 to November 30, 2019 Professor Nadiia Kobetska passed the first stage of the internship within the internship program «Nagroda im. Iwana Wyhowskiego» at the Jagiellonian University (Krakow). The internship took place directly on the basis of the Department of Environmental Law, Faculty of Law and Administration. The scientific consultant was the head of the relevant department, deputy dean of the faculty Professor Barbara Iwańska (Professor Barbara Iwańska). During the internship there was an opportunity to listen to weekly lectures on the course «Environmental Law in Poland and in the EU», conducted by Professor Barbara Ivanska, and attend practical classes. At the seminar held for masters in environmental law, Professor Nadiya Kobetska presented the report: «Peculiarities of legal regulation of the use of animals in entertainment events in Ukraine» and took part in a discussion on the comparison of relevant standards in Ukraine and Poland. The result of research work were prepared scientific publications, in particular, scientific articles «Features of the legal regime of national parks under the laws of the Republic of Poland», «Categories «environment» and «nature» in the system of environmental law of the Republic of Poland».


From April 1 to May 31, 2021 Professor Nadiia Kobetska took part in the second stage of the internship within the framework of the program «Nagroda im. Iwana Wyhowskiego» at the University of Rzeszów (Rzeszów).


In June, 2022 Associate Professor Lesia Danyliuk, within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the Educational and Scientific Law Institute of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and the Andrzej Frych Modrzewski Krakow University, provided teaching of the academic discipline «Legal Protection of the Environment in Ukraine and the EU» at the Andrzej Frych Modrzewski Krakow Academy (Krakow, Republic of Poland).


From October 24 to November 4, 2022 Professor Nadiia Kobetska visited the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) as part of academic mobility. The purpose of the visit was to extend the scientific and educational cooperation with the representatives of the environmental law school of the Jagiellonian University, to work in the university library and analyze Polish scientific publications in the field of legal environmental protection, to receive advice on conducting a scientific study devoted to the comparative characteristics of the main legal mechanisms and environmental protection in Poland and Ukraine.

Participation in international scientific conferences

From 10 to 14 April, 2016 the delegation consisting of Professor Nadiia Kobetska and Associate Professor Svitlana Romanko participated in the Conference of Central and Eastern European Countries on Public Health and the Environment, held in Prague (Czech Republic). Professor Nadiia Kobetska and Associate Professor Svitlana Romanko spoke at the plenary session of the conference with a report on the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident «Ukrainian experience in establishing a causal connection between population diseases under unfavorable environmental factors after Chernobyl» (Ukraine’s experience in establishing a causal link between diseases and the impact of adverse environmental factors of the Chernobyl disaster).

On October 20–21, 2016, Assistant of the Department Lesia Danyliuk took part in the International Conference «Evolution of Private Law – New Approach», which took place in Katowice (Republic of Poland), on the basis of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia. The topic of the speech was «Contractualregulationofusinghunting lands».


On October 17, 2019 an international conference on «National, European, International Standards of Legal Protection of Animals» was held on the basis of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Republic of Poland). Representatives of the Department wereinvited to participate in the conference– Professor Nadiia Kobetska and Lecturer Lesia Danyliuk. Professor Nadiia Kobetskawas included in the scientific committee of the Conference and spoke at the plenary session with a report on «The use of animals in entertainment events: the requirements of Ukrainian legislation and the practice of their implementation».


On March 31, 2021 Professor Nadiia Kobetska and Lecturer Lesia Danyliuk participated in international online conference «Legal Aspects of Humanitarian Protection of Animals» in Lublin (Poland Republic) and presented the topic «Implementation of the Provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals into Ukrainian legislation: Some Theoretical and Applied Aspects».



On September 9–10, 2021 Associate Professor Lesia Danyliuk took part in a two-day online workshop organized by the Training and Capacity Building Committee of the Academy of Environmental Law of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The event was devoted to consideration of the peculiarities of teaching and studying environmental law in modern conditions and in the context of future challenges. At the workshop sessions, reports were presented that reflected the experience of teaching, studying and capacity building in environmental legislation aimed at the development of environmental legal disciplines. The speakers were scientists, teachers and students from Australia, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Ukraine.

Оrganization of meetings with representatives of educational institutions and official institutions of other states,

involvement of students in international scientific activities:

– November 7, 2012 in cooperation with the International Academy of Environmental Law of the International Union for Conservation of Nature was held a meeting between professors and students to Matthew Michael Sura, who is a lawyer and an expert, Professor at the University of Colorado. The main aim was to discuss the positive and negative aspects of shale gas development (in particular in terms of concrete region), as well as evaluation of public opinion and their awareness in this regard. There was a list of risks discussed: the lack of adequate safeguards to protect the rights of landowners and people of the region in general; potential negative impact on the many recreational areas and national reserves of Carpathians; the danger of earthquakes and landslides; the problem of providing a large mass of pure water for hydraulic fracturing and cleaning the reverse water; absence of a fixed list of chemicals that allowed to use used in hydraulic fracturing; chemicals possible penetration from water into the soil, surface and groundwater, air pollution and others.

– On December 10, 2013 has been organized the meeting with Professor John Bonine from University of Oregon (USA), the founder of one of the first legal clinic in the United States and the first environmental law clinic (1978), a respected researcher of human rights, particularly environmental. Professor gave a lecture to students to discuss issues of environmental law and issues of constitutional rights, including the right to freedom of assembly.

– September 24, 2015 – was organized a round table discussion of the problems of criminal liability for illegal logging and other forest law violations with representatives of the international office of the Forest Service of the US: Shelia Slemp – Officer of International Programs of the US Forest Service, a former Peace Corps volunteer, Rocky Piaggione – specialist of Department of Justice (Pennsylvania, USA) Shelley Gardner – officer of International programs of the US Forest service, Paul Huff – inspector of the US Forest service on Pacific Northwest coast, Andrew Coriell – inspector of the US Forest service on Pacific Northwest coast. The seminar was also attended by representatives of the Court of Appeal Ivano-Frankivsk region, the Commercial Court of Ivano-Frankivsk region, prosecutors of Ivano-Frankivsk regional prosecutors Office, the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region, the State Environmental Inspectorate in Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ivano-Frankivsk regional State Agency of forestry and hunting, lecturers and graduate students of Law Institute. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange information and experience in law enforcement in judicial and other state institutions activities to ensure successful struggle against illegal logging and other violations of forest law, to identify the problems that exist in this area, to discuss possible cooperation and joint efforts of states for mutual cooperation.

– On April 12, 2018 in the framework of international cooperation, took place a meeting of teachers of the Department with Hasrat Arizhemend – Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Law and University Quebec (Canada), Senior Research Fellow, McGill University Center for International Law on Sustainable Development, Winner of the UNESCO Award for Educational Innovation (Asia and PacificRegion).

During the meeting, the issues of participation of teachers of the department in joint scientific and educational projects related to the management of natural resources, citizens’ rights to agricultural land and others were discussed.

The invited guest also gave a lecture for students of the Educational and Scientific Law Institute on «Legal regulation of access to the use of genetic resources (on the example of India, Belarus, Brazil, the European Union, Ukraine)».

The lecture presented current issues of access to biological resources, the peculiarities of their use in the international context, the importance of the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols to the Convention on Biological Diversity in the process of regulating access to genetic resources.



– December 9, 2021 an open guest lecture was organized for students. The invited guest was Ilona Przyboyewska – Doctor of Law, Lawyer, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Law, Faculty of Law and Management of the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Republic of Poland). The topic of the lecture is «Experience of the Republic of Poland in the Implementation of the Requirements of EU Law on Environmental Protection».